Below is the link the the article that they did on me in our local newspaper, The Rockdale Citizen!! God has given me such an amazing opportunity. He has allowed me to serve Him with an amazing group of Christ Followers at Discover Point Church. Every Sunday the Discover Kids family and I are given the chance to help the kids learn that Jesus is REAL, FUN, and EXCITING no matter what your age! As if that's not enough, God has allowed me to be the mother of two absolutely amazing little girls. He has trusted Jeremy and I with the task of teaching these precious girls about who He is and how much He loves them. And not only did He give me these baby girls, but He matched me with a wonderful Godly man that balances me out just right. And as if that all isn't enough......He has blessed me with cake artistry so that I can be home with my girls! Our life has not always be good, nobody's is ALWAYS good. But I know this to be true-no matter what's going on in life I know that God is ALWAYS good, ALWAYS faithful, and ALWAYS there (just to name a few).
May God receive ALL of the glory!